Keep your emotional health in shape

Control and improve your emotional balance through professional support, exercises and a mood tracker

Create your account

1 minute a day to improve your life


Personalized exercises

Our virtual assistant will recommend you free tools designed by licensed, clinical psychologists.


Emotional journey

Keep track of your mood trends and the internal and external factors which have been affecting you.


Statistics about your progress

You will have access to a set of metrics and info about yourself so that you can check your progress over time.

What if I need professional help?

You will have the support of a licensed therapist

Psychological support can be crucial during different moments in our lives. We’ll connect you with the professional that is best suited to your individual needs, through chat or a video session.


“Thanks to my therapy with ifeel, I’ve improved my stress management and I feel much more focused and confident about my life…”


Personal growth in your hands

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